Slideshow: A Visual Guide to Low Testosterone
What Is Testosterone?
Aging and Testosterone Levels
Low Testosterone and the Body
Low Testosterone Affects Bones
Low Testosterone and Sex
Testosterone, Mood, and Thinking
Low Testosterone and Infertility
What Causes Low Testosterone?
Should You Be Tested?
Testing for Low Testosterone
Treating Low Testosterone
Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone Injections
Testosterone Gels or Patches
Testosterone Tablets and Pellets
Risks of Testosterone Therapy
Testosterone Use and Cancer
Who Should Not Take Testosterone?
Show Sources
1. Sidney Moulds / Science Source and Pasieka / Science Source
2. Michel Tcherevkoff / Stone
3. RunPhoto / Taxi Japan
4. 3D4Medical
5. Froemel Kapitza / Stone
6. Pasieka, Ingram Publishing
7. Dr. Stanley Flegler / Visuals Unlimited
8. Thinkstock
9. Paul Bradbury / OJO Images
10. Anna Webb/WebMD
11. RunPhoto / The Image Bank
12. SelectStock / the Agency Collection
13. Christine Balderas / Photodisc
14. Martin Shields/ Photo Researchers
15. Thinkstock
16. Cheryl Power / Science Source
17. Antonia Reeve / Science Source
18. Ariel Skelley / Blend Images
19. Uwe Krejci/ Taxi
The Endocrine Society: "Low Testosterone and Men's Health."
Patient Education Institute: "Low Testosterone."
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, November, 2005.
The Endocrine Society: "Testosterone Therapy in Men with Androgen Deficiency Syndromes: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline."
American Association for Clinical Chemistry: "Testosterone."