1 of 8 / Overview
View AllCrohn’s Disease
Crohn's disease is a condition that causes swelling, or inflammation, in part of your digestive system.
Crohn’s Disease: How Do I Get to Remission?
Remission is a stage of Crohn’s when your disease is no longer active.
The Costs of Crohn’s Disease
The costs of medical care for Crohn's disease can stack up during that time, so you should plan and prepare now.
The 5 Types of Crohn’s Disease
There are five main types of Crohn's disease, each with its own set of symptoms.
2 of 8 / Symptoms
View AllSigns and Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease
Symptoms of Crohn’s vary widely depending on the person and on the part of the GI tract that the disease attacks.
How Crohn's Disease Affects Your GI Tract
Crohn's can affect your digestive tract in patches. Some areas may be damaged while others are completely healthy.
Fistulas and Crohn’s Disease: What to Know
Fistulas are tunnels that form between two organs or an organ and the surface of your body, due to Crohn’s inflammation.
Bowel Obstruction and Crohn's Disease
Blockage in your intestines is a common problem with Crohn’s disease.
3 of 8 / Causes & Risks
View AllWhat Causes Crohn’s Disease?
Although there are many theories about what causes Crohn's disease, none of them have been proven.
Who Gets Crohn’s Disease?
Scientists haven’t identified all causes of Crohn’s, but they’ve found certain groups of people who are at higher risk.
Gut Bacteria and Crohn’s Disease
When the gut microbiome balance is disrupted, it can make you more prone to disease, including Crohn’s disease.
How Does Smoking Affect Crohn's Disease?
Smoking doesn't cause Crohn's. But smoking can increase your risk of Crohn's, or make it more severe and harder to treat.
4 of 8 / Tests & Diagnosis
View AllDiagnosing Crohn's Disease
There isn't a single test that can diagnose Crohn's. To diagnose, your doctor will gather information from many sources.
X-Ray Exams of the Digestive Tract
Your doctor can choose an abdominal X-ray to help them diagnose and keep track of your Crohn’s disease.
Your Crohn's Care Team
You’ll probably see several types of health professionals for your Crohn's. They'll work together to help you manage symptoms.
Ways to Tell if You Have the Right Crohn's Doctor
Crohn's is a lifelong illness, so you'll want someone you can count on for the long haul.
5 of 8 / Treatment
View AllMedications for Crohn’s Disease
If you have Crohn’s disease, the right medications may keep your condition under control.
Step-Up or Top-Down for Crohn’s Disease: Treatment Options
The medications used in the step-up and top-down methods are the same. You’ll just get them in a different order.
Antibiotics and Crohn’s Disease: Help or Hurt?
Medical experts speculate that an overgrowth of bacteria is one of the causes of Crohn’s disease.
Work With Your Doctor to Manage Your Crohn's Disease
When you're managing your Crohn's disease, a great relationship with your health care team is key.
6 of 8 / Living With
View AllWhat to Expect if You Have Crohn's Disease
Depending on the way Crohn’s affects you and your ability to manage it, you may have some challenges.
Living an Active Lifestyle With Crohn’s Disease
When you find out you have Crohn’s disease, it’s natural to think about how your life may change.
Tips for Self-Care With Crohn's Disease
To treat Crohn’s, your doctor will recommend what meds to take and if you might need surgery. But you play a big role, too.
Crohn's Disease: Diet and Nutrition
Foods don’t cause Crohn's disease, but they can make it feel worse. So it’s important to pay attention to what you eat.
7 of 8 / Complications
View AllCrohn's Disease Complications
Complications of Crohn's disease may or may not be related to the inflammation within the intestine.
Conditions That Can Go Along with Crohn's Disease
Crohn's disease mainly affects the gut, but also has the potential to cause inflammation elsewhere in the body.
Anal Fissures and Hemorrhoids in Crohn’s Disease
Life can be challenging with Crohn's. Besides the disease itself, there are other complications: hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
What Is Perianal Crohn’s Disease?
No matter where you have Crohn’s, you can get perianal Crohn’s. This is when the condition causes damage around the anus.
8 of 8 / Support & Resources
View AllResources for Crohn's Disease
You might want extra support to help you manage Crohn’s. There are resources you can use to get information to feel better,
Support for Crohn's Disease Stress
Finding out you have a long-term condition like Crohn's disease can cause a mix of emotions.
When Your Partner Has Crohn's Disease
As the partner of someone who has a long-term condition like Crohn’s, you’ll see their ups and downs with the disease.
Suggested Reads about Crohn's Disease
Tips for Better Sleep During a Crohn’s Flare-Up
It’s common for people with IBD to struggle with sleep. Try these tips to get the rest you need.
A Cure for Crohn’s: How Close Are We?
A Crohn’s disease researcher talks about the quest for a cure and better treatments.
Crohn’s Disease Doesn’t Define Me
Christina Difeo Petrella’s life with Crohn’s.
Most Crohn’s and Liver Disease Info on TikTok Is Accurate: Studies
In a new study, three medical residents reviewed 81 TikTok videos identified by a search for #crohnsdisease. All were posted since January 2021. They found of the 25% that were educational, 80% were accurate.
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